There is an interesting phenomenon known as the "Mormon Mommy" blog. I am not a participant in this phenomenon, but others are interesting to read. In the semi-anonymous way that blogging allows, women talk about their family, their church callings, their favorite recipes, etc. Basically, it all makes you feel like nothing you're doing in your life is enough. It's a myth, of course, that these women have it all figured out, but doesn't it always look like that to the outsider?
It's garnered such a following that it has even inspired some satire, which I follow much more religiously than any of the original blogs. Lurve you, TAMNers!
I am not at all one of these women, but it occurred to me that I don't really talk about my "home life" very much here. Nor my church life. So, I guess I'll remedy this.
First, home. No children, of course. I like having a clean house, but our apartment rarely fits that bill. We get busy. We may be doing too much, and I don't say this as a call for a badge of courage. I think doing too much is stupid, actually. I wish I had the guts to say "no" more often. I do enjoy cooking and baking, probably more than I should. This is the reason for our burgeoning home bakery business. We make stuff like this:
Yum! Mint chocolate chunk cookies!
We are attending church in a growing Spanish branch. Andy lived in Argentina for two years while on his mission, and I took Spanish in high school . . . that's why. We just like it. I love being able to hear Spanish on a regular basis, and the branch socials are always full of Mexican food and dancing. Yippee!!! Because this branch is small, though, we have our work cut out for us. We serve as Young Single Adult (YSA) advisers, which is a calling we both kind of forget about sometimes, and don't really know what we're supposed to do as such, to be honest. He's also the Elder's Quorum Secretary, and I'm the Primary Chorister (lead music for kids from ages 3-12) as well as the Home-Study Seminary teacher (teaching religious education classes weekly for high school age kids).
I love my callings. The primary kids are so adorable, and they always make me laugh. I'm not so good at keeping their attention or motivation all the time, but I try. I love seminary, too, even though I don't feel like I have the time to plan my lessons like I should. I'll be honest, this is something that usually happens the day-of. I wonder how I seemed to be able to do it so much easier when I was in school. Graduate school, that is. Hrmm. I guess I didn't have a semi-grown-up job then. More disposable time? More flexible schedule? Something to do with that, I suppose.
So, that's about it.
My feet are cold.