Rachel and I were married a little more than two weeks ago on January 2, 2009. We thought it'd be neat to provide the world (and by that I mean primarily family and friends) with a little window into our fledgling marriage relationship. It's an exciting time for us, and we'd like to share it, albeit an heavily abridged version with all who are interested. So with that, enjoy...
I decided to call this post "just married" for obvious reasons. For the most part, we're just kind of settling into day to day stuff: work, laundry, house cleaning, etcetera. It's been a fun adjustment, as boring as it may sound. Rach is just about finished moving into our place, a charming little garage apartment located in the outskirts of Denton (see photo). We should be ready to re-enter the social realm shortly.
I know it's cliche, but I honestly have little else to say besides "life is good." Thanks for stopping by. In the coming days, weeks, months, or however long we decided to keep this up, there will be more to report.
Hi Andy and Rachel! Love y'all!