Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy May Day Lei Day

The pursuit of an advanced degree has led my writing down a terrible path: I now find it difficult to depart from Academese. I wrote for pleasure until I realized it wasn't "cool" to do that, and while I've always been pretty confident about my writing skills, I'm afraid that now, I'm just a really boring writer. So, I need to exercise my creativity.

For the month of May, I will provide you with 30 days of short writings on various topics. This is more because I want to flex my writing muscles than because I think anyone wants to hear from me more often, and I'm sorry you get caught in the crossfire.

I do need your help, though.

What should I write about?

I could write fictional stories, reminisces, fictionalized accounts of real-life events, short essays, poetry . . . I'm pretty much open. What do you want to hear about, though? It will help me in my exercise if I get a more random scope of topics. Otherwise, I'll just be writing about all the boring stuff I think about day-to-day, and nobody wants to read a sonnet about how much I enjoy vacuuming.

So, tell me what you want to hear about. Anything. If it's not too offensive to me, I will sincerely try to work it in.


  1. Write about your grandparents. If anyone ever had a more disparate (and amazing) set of progenitors, I don't know who it would be.

  2. Write a whole story only using sentences with 7 words in it.

    I'm glad you are writing more on your blog. I've been missing my crazy mormons!


  3. Write them all. I mean it. Nothing will help you grow in your writing more than stretching yourself; diving completely out of your comfort zone. Memoirs, poetry, character sketches, all-dialogue, fantasy, science fiction, cutesy fiction, nonfiction, recording dreams--do everything.
